Sunday, April 09, 2017 by Mike Adams
America has become a zombie nation of hypnotized, socially-obedient conformist who are so disconnected from reality that when the bombs start falling, they won’t have any idea how they’ve been programmed to celebrate it all. Heavily dosed with medication, fluoride and heavy metals in vaccines, the American masses have become sleepwalking automatons… conformist consumers of hilariously fictional propaganda parading around as “real news” on CNN, which has now resorted to displaying staged photos of maimed children to invoke the necessary reactionary emotional support to demand WAR.
Yet the snowflake zombies who pretend to be interested in global justice for children have no idea how they’re being insidiously manipulated. They don’t even really know what war looks like. They’ve never lived through war, witnessed war or dealt with the aftermath of war. And they’ve never, of course, been bombed with nukes or blown to pieces by a Tomahawk missile, so the physical reality of all this seems hopelessly remote to them all. “War” is something that happens to other people in far away lands, they believe, not here at home among the snowflake social justice Zombiellenials at UC Berkeley.
It is with this sense of sheer oblivion that the American masses are sleepwalking toward World War III. Even as Russia has mastered the development of Mach-nine cruise missile “ship destroyer” missiles while China is deploying satellite killing ground-based laser systems that can take out most of the military logistics infrastructure in mere hours, the American people live out their days under the delusional impression that nothing bad can ever happen here. This is America, after all. Nobody bombs us! WE do the bombing to THEM, not the other way around.
America is a deluded nation obsessed with celebrity fashion, sports, food, entertainment and recreational drugs. Almost nothing that passes through the minds of most Americans is rooted in reality. It’s all twisted narrative, social conformity and sheer delusion pretending to be “fact-checked” news. So as the world marches toward a global nuclear conflict with very real consequences, the average American “consumer” — that’s the most accurate term at this point for the mindlessness of the masses — is far more easily swayed by the photo of a chemical weapons-damaged child than by the physical facts involving hydrogen bombs and the half-life of radionuclides. The idea that America’s present actions could lead us to a nuclear conflict that might make vast regions of America uninhabitable for three centuries has never occurred to the common person.
The rest of us — that’s you and me — therefore find ourselves living among a global suicide cult called “humanity,” where the delusional mob celebrates the very actions that are leading us toward global nuclear disaster. “Washington’s military attack on Syria is unambiguously a war crime,” writes Paul Craig Roberts, a former Reagan administration official. “It occurred without any UN authorization or even the fake cover of a ‘coalition of the willing.’ Washington’s attack on Syria occurred in advance of an investigation of the alleged event that Washington is trying to use as its justification. Indeed, Washington’s story of Syrian use of chemical weapons is totally implausible. All chemical weapons were removed from Syria by Russia and turned over to the US and its European allies. Syria has no such weapons and has no reason to use them and every reason not to.”
The provocation has already thrust America into an escalation that risks an outbreak of global nuclear war. Via Zero Hedge:
A statement issued on Sunday by a joint command centre consisting of forces of Russian, Iran and allied militia alliance supporting Syrian President Bashar al Assad said that Friday’s US strike on the Syrian air base crossed “red lines” and it would “respond with force” to any new aggression while increasing their level of support to their ally.
Meanwhile, tech giants like Facebook are so committed to the total destruction of the human race that they’re now banning sharing of most posts across the entire independent media, banishing any ideas that question the laughably fake narratives of the status quo. What’s left on the table for online consumers to swallow is nothing more than mainstream fake news, the purpose of which is to keep the zombies spoon fed with enough emotionally-charged propaganda so that when war is unleashed, they’ll cheer.
But why would a nation’s leaders want the outbreak of war that might bring harm to their own citizens? One answer is found in the realization that the financial deep state is engineering a global debt collapse to be blamed on President Trump. The trigger has already been pulled with the raising of interest rates, and this will be continued (or even accelerated) until the desired tipping point is reached that pops the world’s obscene financial bubbles (bomb market bubble, real estate bubble, stock market bubble, derivatives debt bubble, etc.).
As former president George Bush demonstrated years ago, the only sure way to get the public behind you with near universal support is to insert the nation into a global military conflict where America can be positioned as occupying the moral high ground while America’s enemies are depicted as vile, child-murdering bastards who unleash chemical weapons onto innocent children. Once the bombs start flying, the zombies begin cheering (and the polls start rising). The corporate-run media cheers you, too, as ratings explode while Americans pop beer cans and open bags of Cheetos to sit on their couches, cheering the “reality TV” war unfolding on their screens with missile-tip video feeds of entertaining mayhem (carefully sanitized to avoid any on-screen blood from civilian casualties in enemy territory, of course).
Only during a war can a corrupt, dishonest regime stay in power while suffering a systemic financial collapse that strips the masses of their savings and pensions. The best way to prevent people from marching in the streets is to paint anti-government resistance protesters as “unpatriotic.” If you don’t support the war, the narrative goes, you’re anti-American. And besides, your protests might even be a threat to national security, so cracking down on such protests is easily justified when the nation is at war.
The best way to start a war is, of course, to attack your own people and blame it on the enemy. I have little doubt that right now, the military industrial wing of the deep state is planning nothing less than a radiological false flag attack to be staged in a major U.S. city. That doesn’t mean it has to be a nuclear detonation, by the way. It could involve a conventional explosive that disperses a radiological dirty bomb scrapped together from old medical imaging equipment, for example (with strontium-90).
Just as the totally faked “sarin gas chemical weapons” photos from Syria caused a wave of instant support across the mainstream media for retaliatory attacks, all it will take is a few photos of Americans dying from radiation poisoning to evoke the kind of national outrage that justifies endless war with whatever named enemy is said to be responsible.
Oh, you didn’t know the “sarin gas” chemical weapons photos from Syria were faked? Check out the photo below, which we are told shows a rescue worker handling a sarin gas victim child using his BARE HANDS.
If you know anything about sarin gas, you know the guy would have been dead in about two minutes. You don’t handle sarin gas residues with your bare heads and live to tell about it, even if the body was rinsed with water:
As usual, the propagandists pushing all the false flags and staged justifications for war don’t know anything about real science, and they forgot to properly stage the scene with protective gear that would be consistent with their fake news story.
President Trump, by the way, may not be aware of any of this false flag fakery. It’s highly likely that Trump is being played by the same deep state that played President Bush over “weapons of mass destruction.” Same playbook, different administration.
Facts be damned, however, when there’s a WAR to be justified. War is the state’s ultimate expression of extreme anger, so it makes sense that anger must first be evoked in the minds of the masses. There’s no better way to accomplish that than to parade pictures of maimed children across TV screens, demanding the nation’s masses either join in the anger or be labeled unpatriotic. It’s almost as silly as North Korea’s government goons making their citizens cry at gunpoint following the death of Kim Jong-Il, the late father of the current lunatic in power, Kim Jong-Un.
Speaking of lunatics in power, the deep state military industrial complex that’s scripting everything you’re seeing right now in Syria is run by high-level lunatics who are willing to do anything to stay in power. If you thought the 9/11 attacks were suspiciously timed to unleash the Patriot Act surveillance state that led to the very kind of illegal surveillance that now targets us all, your Spidey sense has nailed it. Every war is exploited to expand the power of the State… and when wars don’t materialize on their own, events can be easily staged to hurry them along. The goal is always the expansion of state power combined with increased subservience of the obedient masses.
In defense of the military industrial complex, the world really is full of dangerous geopolitical predators like Kim Jong-Un, communist China, the Russian government and so on. Protecting America from those dangerous regimes requires a powerful military. Yet the pacifist people of America won’t support anything even resembling national defense unless they are emotionally hijacked into it. Although I’m not defending this practice, the military industrial complex believes it is justified in setting up false flag theatrics because otherwise, the American people would never support a sufficient expansion of military power, leaving the United States vulnerable to attack.
Thus, in their minds, they are only staging false flag events as a way to wake people up to the very real larger threats that America faces on the global stage. To some degree, they have a point: Your average UC Berkeley college campus snowflake crybully pacifist has no clue about reality and probably isn’t even qualified to participate in a constitutional Republic. In the same way that clueless gun control proponents think that banning guns will stop “gun violence,” they also believe that if America eliminates its military, the world will suddenly turn to peace. Neither argument holds up under the slightest scrutiny.
The truth is that the world really is dangerous place, and most of the world’s population continues to live under tyranny rule in places like China, Venezuela, Iran, Russia and even parts of the European Union. A powerful military really is necessary for national defense, since the only thing countries like China really understand is the use of force. That’s how they keep their own citizens in line, after all. In China, domestic diplomacy is always carried out at gunpoint. America’s nuclear arsenal truly is the only thing preventing us from being invaded right now by the Communist Chinese or the Russians, as force is the only thing most governments understand. That’s why America’s nuclear submarines are, in a very real sense, the “guardian angels” of national defense. Without them, some lunatic communist regime like China might be tempted to try a first strike against America’s land-based ICBM launch sites.
Make no mistake: The military industrial deep state tells itself they are ultimately doing what’s right for America. But the American people are too dumbed down and pacifist to understand the real world around them, so they have to be manipulated into supporting a powerful, dominant military that polices the world. That’s why they see killing a few children as a “necessary evil” for what they tell themselves is the “greater good” of protecting the nation as a whole.
The conclusion in all this? Pick your favorite narrative and hope you’re right. Maybe you believe that really was sarin gas used on children in Syria by Assad. You’re probably incredibly gullible if you believe that, but then again most American are living in a delusional reality, so you’ll fit right in.
Or perhaps you believe it was a false flag operation run by the military industrial deep state. I would tend to agree with you on that analysis, but it doesn’t mean the march toward war can be stopped with any greater degree of success. Being right doesn’t mean we can do anything about it.
No matter what you make of current events, we’re all being marched toward World War III. It’s no accident, either. The powers that be have decided they need war right now to accomplish (or cover up) other political or economic goals. War is not the destination but rather the means to an end. To accomplish that end goal, the American people are about to be subjected to the most elaborate “news theater” any of us has ever witnessed. As all this unfolds, fictions will be broadcast across our screens that seduce us into expressing the emotional reactions desired by those running the theatrical performance across the world stage.
Rest assured that the bigger the emotional reaction, the larger the support for war. Almost by definition, this means that the next false flag event targeting an American city must achieve extreme emotional outrage across the national psyche, and this can only come from murdering innocent children.
Here’s a quiz for those of you who are old enough to know what’s really going on: Why do you think the Oklahoma City federal building was chosen for the staged bombing in 1995 under the Clinton regime? Because it had a day care center, of course, and photos of bloodied children carried the narrative across the entire media (which had no competition at the time, because there was no independent media to counter the fake news of CNN).
What happened to the children of Oklahoma City in 1995 and what happened to Syrian children in 2017 are exactly the same thing. Children were deliberately targeted so that pictures of dead children could be used for maximum emotional impact. Anyone who doesn’t recognize this is blind to the reality of how governments shape propaganda for maximum social impact. (Clinton used the Oklahoma City bombing, of course, to immediately demand nationwide gun control in an effort to disarm the citizenry, a tactic that was repeated by Obama with Sandy Hook.)
As a final note, the deep state doesn’t even care that I’m telling you all this. The emotional triggering of dead children is so powerful at a visceral level that it overpowers all rationality. Once dead children start being paraded across CNN, nobody even cares whether it was all scripted in advance. Images of dead children bypass all rationality in the human mind, creating precisely the response that’s desired (widespread emotional support for more war).
Recognizing this, I’m resigned to the fact that the American sheeple are so cognitively malleable that there’s nothing that I or any other independent media journalist can say to stop this unfolding of unfortunate events. Like clockwork, it’s already scripted and set in stone:
And the cycle repeats about every 25 years or so, which is just long enough for the next generation to forget what happened a generation earlier. It all unfolds according to a roughly 25-year schedule:
And now, World War III is unfolding right on time, almost exactly 25 years after the Persian Gulf War, and just as the American empire desperately needs to remind its citizens how much they need a powerful, domineering, surveillance regime in order to be kept safe while the economy collapses all around them.
Personally, I’ve resigned myself to the fact that you can never educate enough people about reality to stop these cycles. The sheeple are imminently predictable and easily manipulated by the emotional imagery of false flag theatrics. All we can really do as aware, informed and rational people is prepare for what’s coming and survive it.
The sheeple will always be suckers for every new generation of war. We cannot awaken them sufficiently to compete with the emotional power of staged events. All we can really do is prepare ourselves and our loved ones to survive World War III. The mindlessness of the human race knows no bounds, which is precisely why I’ve begun calling humanity a SUICIDE CULT.
Your job (and mine) is to simply survive the next round of mass suicide that’s about to be triggered by the insane governments that still rule over our planet. “Democide,” as its called, means “death by government,” and it exterminated 262 million lives over the last century of so. That number is about to get much, much larger. Your primary goal at this point should be to make sure you don’t join that statistic.
If you want to live through all this, bookmark this website right now. It’s one of the very few places where you’re going to connect with intelligent, informed and honest analysis about what’s really going down (and why).
Make Censored.news the first website you check every day, and use GoodGopher.com as your search engine for independent media news. With Google, Facebook, Twitter and other internet gatekeepers now censoring all REAL news in order to push their FAKE news narratives, these are websites of choice for staying informed as WWIII unfolds.
Tagged Under: Tags: Assad, chemical weapons, China, human suffering, military defense, national security, news theater, nuclear weapons, Russia, sheeple, Syria, World War III