Monday, December 04, 2017 by JD Heyes
We’ve been saying for months that the investigation into alleged “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia to “steal the election” from Hillary Clinton was nothing more than a politically motivated scam.
We knew that the probe was fake when, after more than a year’s worth of investigating by Obama’s FBI and Justice Department, no evidence whatsoever had been found – nothing. Just months of allegations, innuendo and unsubstantiated charges.
Now, after all this time (and after millions of dollars have been spent), we learn that special counsel Robert Mueller’s top FBI investigator is an anti-Trump hack who was the lead guy in Clinton’s email probe.
Now it is all starting to make sense as to why Trump is still under assault after more than a year since his election, and why Hillary Clinton isn’t wearing jailhouse stripes.
As The National Sentinel noted, reports on Saturday in the Washington Post and New York Times said that top FBI counterintelligence investigator Peter Strzok played leading roles into the Trump-Russia collusion probe, as well as another in Mueller’s investigation, and still another “in the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email by the bureau.” The site noted further that over the summer, he was transferred out of Mueller’s office following the discovery of anti-Trump tweets he exchanged with Lisa Page, a top FBI lawyer with whom Strzok was having an extramarital affair.
Strzok was reassigned to the FBI’s human resources department, which was an obvious demotion, according to the Washington Examiner’s Byron York.
The Post noted that Strzok and Page sent each other texts that “expressed anti-Trump sentiments and other comments that appeared to favor Clinton.”
The reports appeared in major newspapers simultaneously, which strongly suggests that the leaks were orchestrated. Why would that happen?
Because Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif, head of the House Intelligence Committee, has been trying to get information about Strzok for months, but he has been stonewalled at every turn by both the FBI and the Department of Justice.
In fact, Nunes – like most other Americans – only learned about Strzok and his abject anti-Trump bias, as well as his intimate involvement in two of the most controversial, politically-motivated “investigations” in decades.
Once again, this also proves just how utterly corrupted the U.S. justice system became under one Barrack Hussein Obama. (Related: Newly uncovered documents reveal the FBI is nothing more than a criminal enterprise that must be stopped.)
As reported by the Washington Examiner:
The committee’s broadly worded subpoena for information related to the so-called Trump dossier went to the FBI and DOJ on Aug. 24. In follow-up conversations on the scope of the subpoena, committee staff told the FBI and DOJ that it included information on the circumstances of Strzok’s reassignment.
Here are all the times in recent months that Nunes and his committee staff attempted to get to the bottom of Strzok’s bias and antics:
— On Oct. 11, Nunes met with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein – the official who appointed Mueller – to specifically discuss his committee’s request for information pertaining to Strzok.
— On Oct. 31, committee staff met with the FBI but officials there refused to fulfill a request for information about Strzok.
— On Nov. 20, committee staffers once again requested to interview Strzok after he met three days before with the Senate Intelligence Committee, but was not permitted to do so.
— On Nov. 29, Nunes once more talked with Rosenstein about Strzok but apparently got nowhere.
— Finally, on Dec. 1, the committee once again requested to talk to Strzok.
The next day the Post and the Times published their reports about Strzok, infuriating Nunes and President Trump.
“It will be important for investigators — and the public — to see Strzok’s and Page’s texts to assess the extent of the problem. But in any event, Nunes is extremely unhappy — not only with the revelation of bias but with the FBI’s resistance,” the Examiner reported.
If this doesn’t prove once and for all that the Deep State exists, it is corrupt, and was used by Obama to attack our democracy and harm our country, nothing will.
J. D. Heyes is a senior correspondent for NewsTarget.com and editor-in-chief of TheNationalSentinel.com.
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Tagged Under: Tags: anti-Trump bias, corruption, FBI, Justice Department, President Trump, Robert Mueller, Russia collusion, special counsel