10/03/2023 / By Ethan Huff
The bankers have once again screwed the pooch financially, meaning another world war is soon on the way.
The trillions they have stolen from society via their money-printing press, the corrupt stock market, and “aid” to Ukraine means the economy system is once again on the verge of a collapse, which always mean war is soon to come as cover.
Both major political parties, “blue” and “red,” have become pro-war because war is the pillar of American society. Without endless violence and bloodshed, all that “prosperity” would cease to exist.
“War is a racket,” stated Smedley D. Butler back in 1935 after fighting in four major conflicts.
“It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.”
The problem today, though, is that Americans are tired of sending their children off to die for the bankers. This means the bankers through their political puppets could attempt to institute a draft.
(Related: Americans are being psychologically programmed by their globalist overlords for nuclear Armageddon, climate lockdowns, and the unleashing of WWIII.)
While it is true that some 2.1 million people are currently employed by the U.S. defense industry in some way, shape, or form, many soldiers – if you can even call them that – are too fat, too transgender, and ultimately too weak to get the job done.
The military-industrial complex boasts some 1.37 million uniformed personnel and 849,000 reserves. There are also 750 U.S. military bases in more than 80 countries outside of the U.S., including more than 100,000 U.S. military personnel who are stationed in Europe alone.
America is a war machine, in other words – and pretty much always has been, especially since 1913 when the private Federal Reserve banking cartel took over the financial system.
The first two world wars were largely a success as far as private central banking is concerned. And now the ghouls in finance are gearing up to launch a third and possibly final war that, if biblical prophecy is to be believed, will not go as planned for those at the top of the pyramid.
Still, they are going to try, which means more bodies could end up getting drafted if Pretender-in-Chief Joe Biden keeps his promise to maintain the war in Ukraine “for as long as it takes.”
The problem in Ukraine specifically is that actor and stripper Volodymyr Zelensky is running out of Ukrainian men and women to send into the shredder. And since U.S. politicians are beholden to his every demand, it could very soon get ugly once Zelensky runs out of Ukrainians to exploit in the war.
“They have literally been grabbing men off the streets and throwing them into vans,” reports End of the American Dream, “but we didn’t care because it wasn’t our sons that were being forced to go to war.”
“Many Americans cheered when the Ukrainians began their ill-fated ‘counter-offensive,’ but it turned out to be a disaster.”
The truth seems to be that Russia is winning the war no matter how much money and bodies Ukraine and the U.S are throwing at it. What will happen once they run out of willing and able bodies?
“Recruitment has been way down in recent years, but our leaders desperately want to win this war with Russia and they also want to be ready to fight a war with China over Taiwan.”
“And so the stage is being set to draft young American boys and young American girls into military service.”
How much longer do you think it will be before WWIII arrives? Find out more at WWIII.news.
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Tagged Under:
bankers, communist China, deep state, depopulation, draft, freedom, Globalism, Liberty, military tech, military-industrial complex, national defense, national security, Ukraine, violence, weapons tech, World War III, WWIII
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