03/11/2024 / By S.D. Wells
Remember the post-9/11 citizen “responsibility” to watch out for illegal immigrants who might be terrorists looking to bomb America? Yes, the Department of Homeland Security told every American to be on the lookout and “If you see something, say something.” That was a national campaign to raise public awareness of signs of terrorism and terrorism-related crimes, so citizens could report any suspicious activity to state and local law enforcement. So, what about the 20 million illegal immigrants that could easily be terrorists from China, Iran, Afghanistan, or Russia? Where’s all that government watchdog activity now?
Well, instead of 19 guys learning how to fly planes into buildings, there are 19 million illegal immigrants, plenty of whom are military-aged men from countries that host terror cells, jihadists and communists. So much for Russia being the arch enemy, when we’ve got a tenth of the U.S. population that can turn on us at any given moment. Thanks “O-Biden” for your continued open-border policy.
The Democrats can’t seem to fathom that the borders are not just open because of “non-discrimination” policies, or to give people around the world the opportunity to experience the beautiful “freedoms” of our country, but it’s a plan to dilute the patriots and replace us all with forever-Democrat-voting illegals, who want free stuff and “citizenship,” in exchange for all of their rights.
So easily has everyone forgotten about the horrors of 9/11? Don’t forget, it was all supposedly because 19 illegal immigrants snuck into the United States, learned to fly airplanes at some rogue school in Florida, then got past security at the airports, took over a handful of commercial airliners with no resistance, flew the planes perfectly into skyscrapers and the Pentagon, killed themselves in the process, and took out over 3,000 innocent Americans. This all because they hated “capitalism” and the American way of life. So now, why aren’t any Democrats worried about our open borders? Maybe because they all watch fake news and think the borders aren’t a problem at all.
Do not put it past George Soros, the multi-billionaire, to fund the most devastating insurrection the Republic has ever seen, should the communists currently running the country lose the POTUS election come November. Remember, illegal immigrants serve many more purposes than just Democrats trying to help those poor third-world people have better lives. This is about replacing Americans. This is about turning the United States into a third-world Banana Republic that’s ruled by a one party dictatorship forevermore.
Imagine 20 million illegal immigrants instantly being granted amnesty and the right to vote in all American elections. This would be enough to flip every swing state should these aliens vote for their own demise by voting for free stuff (that guarantees they bow down to the tyranny).
So, if you see something, say something. If you see illegal immigrants in your town or neighborhood, be sure to send DHS a few letters, a hundred phone calls and some petitions. Send the Biden Regime letters too. Any of these illegal immigrants, especially the military-aged men, could be the next “domestic terrorists” who help the communists in Washington DC stay in control. Be on the lookout. After all, we are still living in a post-9/11 world.
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Tagged Under:
9/11, big government, border security, cancel Democrats, chaos, Collapse, communism, conspiracy, Dangerous, deep state, DHS, domestic terrorism, illegal immigration, Illegal Votes, insanity, insurrection, invasion usa, left cult, migration, national security, Open Borders, terrorism, Tyranny
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