03/20/2024 / By Belle Carter
Evolutionary biologist and Brownstone Institute fellow Dr. Bret Weinstein shared a sworn statement during a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) roundtable meeting titled “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” at the U.S. Senate, hosted by Senator Ron Johnson on Monday, Feb. 26.
“I believe we must zoom out if we are to understand the pattern we are gathered to explore because the pattern is larger than the Federal Health Agencies and COVID Cartel. If we do zoom out and ask ‘What they are hiding?’ the answer becomes as obvious as it is disturbing: They are hiding everything,” he said as he opened his testimony. According to him, it was jarring for him as a scientist to speak with such certainty because they are trained to present ideas with caution, as hypotheses in need of a test. However, he said he is pretty sure and he has tested the idea that “We are being systematically blinded” by the “health authorities.”
He supported his accusation with an explanation. “The pattern is a simple one. You can test it yourself: Every single institution dedicated to public truth-seeking is under simultaneous attack. They are all in a state of collapse. Every group of experts fails utterly. Individual experts who resist, or worse, who attempt to return their institutions to sanity are coerced into submission,” he explained. He argued that they are marginalized or forced out if they don’t buckle.
“We are left in a fool’s paradise,” he continued. “Our research universities spend huge sums of public money to reach preordained conclusions. Professors teach only lessons that are consistent with wisdom students have picked up on TikTok – even when those lessons contradict the foundational principles of their discipline. Once proud newspapers like the New York Times and the Washington Post only report important stories after they have become common knowledge. Morticians must now raise the alarm over patterns missed by medical examiners.”
He also added that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has become an excellent guide to protecting your health, but only for people who realize you should do the opposite of whatever it advises. Finally, he emphasized how the Department of Homeland Security attempted to set up a truth ministry and declare an accurate critique of government as a kind of terrorism.
“But I can tell you that we are being systematically denied the tools of the Enlightenment and the rights guaranteed in our Constitution. We, those who remain dedicated to the values of the West, must fight this battle courageously. We must win, for if we do not stem the tide, the result will be a dark age that differs from prior dark ages only in the power and sophistication of the coercive instruments that will be wielded by those who will rule us,” he concluded his speech.
During the forum, Johnson and others talked about reports of problems with the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a database maintained by two agencies, the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Johnson received an email from a recently married man who learned his 36-year-old wife couldn’t have children after she got her second COVID-19 shot. He read the correspondence aloud during the said forum. “She chose a career, got the baby/family bug and now she can’t have children,” the husband said. “She cries, all the time. Apologizes to me like it’s her fault. Someone needs to make them pay. And we need safeguards so this doesn’t happen again.”
In a statement back in February to the Daily Signal, an FDA spokesperson argued that the VAERS system contains raw data and isn’t by itself conclusive. “The VAERS website is transparent about the system’s limitations,” the FDA spokesperson said. “When any member of the public opens the website, the user must then acknowledge reading and understanding specific information that includes, among other important details, ‘VAERS data available to the public include only the initial report data to VAERS. Updated data which contains data from medical records and corrections reported during follow up are used by the government for analysis. However, for numerous reasons including data consistency, these amended data are not available to the public.'” (Related: BMJ investigation finds that VAERS is broken, CDC not following maintenance standards.)
Johnson argued that elite institutions damaged their credibility during the pandemic. “I believe the growing corruption of science, scientific research, medical journals, federal health agencies, and, as a result, the practice of medicine, has been exposed in the failed response to the pandemic,” Johnson said. “To repair the damage that has been done, we must honestly and relentlessly pursue the truth.”
Watch the part of the Feb. 26 Senate proceedings below, where Weinstein shared his testimony.
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Tagged Under:
big government, Bret Weinstein, Brownstone Institute, CDC, Censored Science, Censorship, conspiracy, corruption, Cover-Up, covid-19, deception, deep state, DHS, lies, narrative, pandemic, propaganda, ron johnson, science deception, Senate hearing, Suppressed, testimony, truth ministry, vaccine damage, VAERS
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