News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
House Democrats demand a “fair” trial in the Senate, after brazenly refusing Trump a fair trial in the House
After (sort of) impeaching President Trump in the Democrat-run House of Representatives, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is now blatantly violating the United States Constitution by refusing to turn over the articles of impeachment to the U.S. Senate for a trial. She says she isn’t yet certain that the Senate will provide a “fair” trial for Democrats. […]
By Mike Adams
IT’S ON: 228 Democrats declare open war on the American people by voting to impeach President Donald J. Trump without a shred of supporting evidence
Open war on the American people has just been declared by the Democrats in the House, with a 228-member vote to impeach President Donald J. Trump over fabricated “thought crimes” supported by zero evidence. “This is a stunning abuse of power and a shameless travesty of justice that will stain the reputations of those responsible […]
By Mike Adams
Democrat House members prepare to strap political NOOSES around their own necks in impeachment fiasco based entirely on fabricated thought crimes
Now we arrive at the eve of one of the most grotesque abuses of power ever witnessed in the history of the United States of America. The self-destructing Democrats, poisoned by their own hatred while grossly miscalculating popular support for their actions, are about to vote to impeach President Donald J. Trump based entirely on […]
By Mike Adams
HUGE: Democrats rushing impeachment to obstruct bombshell investigations of billions in money laundering and kickbacks run by Obama officials
The real story behind the Dems’ rush for impeachment has finally emerged. Thanks to investigatory work by Rudy Giuliani, we now know that prominent Democrats ran billions of dollars in money laundering, extortion and kickbacks through Ukraine, funneling cash to their own pockets through an elaborate network of shell companies and corporate fronts. (Source) In […]
By Mike Adams
NO ONE IS SAFE: Bombshell findings of the Horowitz report prove the FBI is run by treasonous crooks who answer to no one
Despite its attempts to whitewash the crimes of the deep state, the damning Horowitz report has awakening us all to the realization that the FBI is a criminal organization run by lawless, seditious tyrants who answer to no one. For the past three years, we’ve been reporting the undeniable truth of how the FBI is […]
By Mike Adams
Ten self-evident truths that We the People have spontaneously come to realize… that will END all government as we know it
We have a lot to thank Trump for, but among the most important is the idea that Trump has caused the corrupt, fraudulent, lying specter of “Big Government” to fully reveal itself for what it truly is. Does anyone trust the FBI after reading the shocking findings of the Horowitz (IG) report? Not on your […]
By Mike Adams
Democrats are “summoning the DEMON of political violence,” and the next phase of their criminal coup will unleash blood in the streets
Democrats are “summoning the demon of political violence,” meaning they are taking active steps right now that will result in blood spilling onto the streets of America. And they are doing it willfully. This is the outcome they want (see below for why). Essentially, Democrats operate from the rule that if they can’t control society, […]
By Mike Adams
EXCLUSIVE – President Trump makes unscheduled stop at military hospital to undergo battery of tests for possible deliberate poisoning of food with “time delayed” chemical agent; food tester gravely ill – White House connected source
(Exclusive Natural News report via Alex Jones at – The President’s unscheduled stop at the Walter Reed military hospital on Saturday involved a battery of tests to determine whether the President was exposed to a chemical agent that is suspected of being introduced into his food, says a White House connected source who shared […]
By Mike Adams
The rule of law has collapsed in America, a nation where the guilty go free while the innocent are persecuted and silenced
As of November 15, 2019, the rule of law no longer exists in the United States of America. This has become abundantly apparent with the rigged jury decision to incarcerate Roger Stone for the “process crime” of misstating memories during interrogations with federal agents. In an era where Hillary Clinton is openly allowed by the […]
By Mike Adams
EXCLUSIVE: Prosecutor of Roger Stone calls for immediate arrest and indictment of Alex Jones from the floor of the courtroom where Stone was just convicted
Exclusive – The same prosecutor who ran the rigged “kangaroo court” show trial against Roger Stone is on the courtroom floor demanding the immediate arrest and indictment of Alex Jones, according to sources who have spoken directly to Natural News in the last few minutes. Reporters who have been covering the trial have contacted Alex […]
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