News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Obama knew! Damning texts surface that name Barack Obama in corrupt exoneration of Hillary Clinton and her illegal email server
Damning new texts among deep state Obama regime operatives have surfaced, revealing that former president Barack Obama was fully aware of the FBI’s treasonous actions that exonerated Hillary Clinton of multiple felony crimes, despite the corrupt FBI possessing clear evidence of those crimes. “FBI lovers” Peter Strzok and Lisa Page exchanged tens of thousands of […]
By Mike Adams
Stock market plunge is deep state “nuclear” attack on Trump: Michael Savage, Peter Schiff, Alex Jones and the Health Ranger sound the alarm for America
When it comes to big moves in the stock market, there are no coincidences. Following President Trump‘s approval for the release of the damning FISA memo that proves Hillary Clinton / DNC collusion with the Obama regime to illegally spy on Trump campaign officials, the deep state is now “going nuclear” by attempting to decimate […]
By Mike Adams
Corrupt FBI, DOJ officials committed TREASON, warns lawmaker; James Comey could face DEATH penalty
The shocking revelations uncovered in yesterday’s release of the FISA memo reveal a pattern of treason among top officials at the FBI and DOJ, warns Congressman Paul Gosar of Arizona. The FISA memo documented how the most powerful law enforcement elements of the United States government were weaponized under President Obama to illegally spy on […]
By Mike Adams
SHAMELESS: No Democrats or left-leaning publishers denounce shocking abuses of power detailed in FISA memo release
The FISA memo release describes a shocking series of criminal abuses of power at the highest levels of the FBI and DOJ — all under Obama. As the memo reveals, not only did top FBI and DOJ officials conspire to defraud the FISA court in order to illegally spy on American citizens, the key operatives […]
By Mike Adams
ALERT: When the FISA memo is released, watch for massive, coordinated censorship and “glitches” across Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
The release of the FISA memo is imminent, according to numerous sources, which means the covert, criminal deep state that flourished under the corruption of the Obama regime is about to be exposed for all to see. Accordingly, the deep state is in a whole new state of absolute panic. The “Schiff” is about to […]
By Mike Adams
#ReleaseTheMemo goes viral as America demands to see bombshell details of the secret FISA warrant… “s**t is about to hit the fan”
While the entire legacy media is running a complete news blackout on this exploding scandal — now shaping up to be the most horrific political crime in the history of this nation — Americans are demanding federal officials #ReleaseTheMemo so that people can see for themselves what really happened. The magnitude of this scandal is […]
By Mike Adams
Democrats’ desperate ploy to unseat President Trump over “mental health” false diagnosis will push America to bloody civil war
On the heels of the new book “Fire and Fury” by Michael Wolff — which has already been largely discredited as a work of fiction — unhinged Democrats are now pushing to unseat President Trump by claiming he’s “mentally unfit for office.” This dangerous, deranged ploy is the latest desperate attempt by Democrats who first […]
By Mike Adams
Ten “conspiracies” that became FACT in 2017… conspiracy analysts proven correct yet again
The term “conspiracy theorist” was created by the CIA as a derogatory term to limit the so-called “Overton window” of allowable debate. When the establishment wants to shut down all discussion of a specific topic — say, the 9/11 WTC 7 building planned demolition, or more recently the Mandalay Bay mass shooting in Vegas that […]
By Mike Adams
YouTube threatens to shut down Health Ranger channel over this podcast that discusses the FBI’s routine obstruction of justice and forensic science fraud
Seven weeks after the posting of a podcast that examines the FBI’s corruption and cover-up regarding the Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, YouTube has threatened to censor the Health Ranger channel for obvious political purposes. It’s part of the worsening pattern of censorship of political speech by YouTube, which is owned and operated by […]
By Mike Adams
Evidence points to Bitcoin being an NSA-engineered psyop to roll out one-world digital currency
I’m going to assume the readers who make it to this article are well informed enough that I don’t have to go into the history of the global money changers and their desire for a one world currency. (If you don’t yet understand the goal of the globalist banking empire and the coming engineered collapse […]
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