News & Articles By Kevin Hughes
By Kevin Hughes
Elana Freeland tells Dan Happel: Global elites want people to be machines and slaves – Brighteon.TV
The global elites want people to be machines and slaves, according to writer and lecturer Elana Freeland. “The human being is an extraordinary being involved in evolution. And now what they want to do, they being the global elites and whoever or whatever is controlling them, they want us to be not divine anymore. They […]
By Kevin Hughes
Alex Newman tells Dr. Peter Breggin: Global elites have driven the spread of communism around the world – Brighteon.TV
Journalist Alex Newman has blamed the global elites for the spread of communism around the world. “The spread of communism around the world had not just been facilitated by the globalist elites in the Western world, the super capitalists, the mega bankers and so on. It wasn’t just facilitated, it wasn’t just enabled, it was […]
By Kevin Hughes
Dr. Jane Ruby: Congress legalized and funded overthrow of Constitution, government and people – Brighteon.TV
Dr. Jane Ruby has blamed Congress for allowing powerful individuals push their genocidal agenda without facing consequences. “The U.S. Congress legalized and funded the overthrow of the Constitution, the government and the American people through a massive domestic bioterrorism program,” she remarked on the June 20 episode of “Live with Dr. Jane Ruby” on Brighteon.TV. Ruby added […]
By Kevin Hughes
Paul McGuire: Marxist and communist revolutionaries are bankrolled by international banking families
The Marxist and communist revolutionaries are bankrolled by international banking families, according to author and speaker Paul McGuire. “The Marxist and communist revolutionaries are totally financed by the super capitalist class. They’re totally financed by the globalist elite. They’re totally bankrolled by the wealthiest and richest international banking families in the world,” McGuire said during […]
By Kevin Hughes
Bill Cortese tells Dr. John Diamond: Americans can’t be ruled by people who write big checks and use dark money – Brighteon.TV
American Promise Executive Director Bill Cortese sees the coming midterm elections as a chance for Americans to regain control of the country from people who write big checks and use dark money. “We can’t be ruled by just a handful of people. We can’t be ruled by the D.C. consulting class who get rich off of these […]
By Kevin Hughes
Steel Truth: World globalist regime is running the US government – Brighteon.TV
A world globalist regime is running the United States government, according to investigative journalist and podcaster Mel K Ultra, or simply Mel K. “The American people don’t understand that they, the people that we think are the government, have been completely usurped and given away their authority to a higher level: a world globalist regime,” […]
By Kevin Hughes
Human rights lawyer Leigh Dundas tells Doug Billings: Totalitarian takeovers have similar telltale signs – Brighteon.TV
Totalitarian takeovers, just like what the Joe Biden-led Democratic Party is doing in the United States right now, have very similar telltale signs. “Totalitarian takeovers, whether they are on the Far Right or the Far Left, whether they’re the Nazis, whether they’re the commies, fascists, communists, it doesn’t really matter. When you distill it all down, […]
By Kevin Hughes
Let’s Talk America: Patrick Byrne calls former FBI and CIA directors ABSOLUTE TRAITORS founder and former CEO Patrick Byrne has branded former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John Brennan as absolute traitors to the United States. “I can tell you, James Comey and John Brennan are guilty as hell. They are traitors to this country. They’re absolute traitors […]
By Kevin Hughes
Dr. Cordie Williams tells Dr. Alan Keyes: High voter turnout can overcome cheating in elections – Brighteon.TV
Senatorial candidate Dr. Cordie Williams believes a high voter turnout can overcome cheating in elections. “Governor Youngkin in Virginia showed us that when you get mama bears out, you get people concerned about their kids’ future and what’s going to happen to them – you’re going to get a high voter turnout. That high voter turnout […]
By Kevin Hughes
Jeffrey Prather: Internal affairs, inspector general are the most corrupt because they can investigate anybody – Brighteon.TV
The internal affairs and inspector general are the most corrupt because they can investigate everybody, according to “The Prather Point” host Jeffrey Prather. And they can be put to good use by the powers that be. “IA [internal affairs] and IG [inspector general] control everything that’s going on,” Prather said during the May 13 episode […]
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