Right off the bat I want say that I think, personally, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is a decent and honorable …
When it comes to the Washington Swamp, there are not many people more familiar with its inner workings than former …
The festering, incestuous Washington, D.C. swamp is disgusting indeed, but its filthy, politically compromised inhabitants do know how to take …
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The FBI Vault provides ample documentation that then Attorney General Robert Mueller, like his successor James Comey, closed several …
During an interview this week with former Obama administration official and Hillary Clinton campaign manager, John Podesta, regarding his ties …
Since Donald J. Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the November election, the apoplectic Democratic Left has been grasping at every …
They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but sincere may or may not be the operative word …
For decades Bill and Hillary Clinton have gotten away with just about anything they’ve wanted to — and it’s been …