The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said Wednesday that “partisan” lawsuits against President Donald J. Trump over alleged violations …
A fired National Security Council official has charged that Left-wing Deep State opponents of President Donald J. Trump are engaged …
When it comes to the Washington Swamp, there are not many people more familiar with its inner workings than former …
Late last year when the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request …
Documents recently uncovered from deep within the FBI Vault show that, just like his successor, the shamed James Comey, then-Attorney …
For months Democrats (and some #NeverTrump Republicans), as well as the propaganda “mainstream” media, have been accusing President Donald J. …
Republicans — that would be President Donald J. Trump’s party — are in control of both chambers of Congress, but …
For millions of conservatives and liberty-minded Americans across the country, January 20, 2017 was a day of celebration. This day …
With not a single shred of evidence other than Hillary Clinton shrieking “Russia!” and all of her media lapdogs responding …
During an interview this week with former Obama administration official and Hillary Clinton campaign manager, John Podesta, regarding his ties …