Right off the bat I want say that I think, personally, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is a decent and honorable …
The U.S. national security apparatus grew so large after World War II that when President Dwight D. Eisenhower was set …
The chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has accused political operatives in the previous administration of unmasking …
For millions of conservatives and liberty-minded Americans across the country, January 20, 2017 was a day of celebration. This day …
As the Republican-led Congress mysteriously continues to investigate their own president over still-unproven allegations he and his inner circle pulled …
If you needed additional proof that President Obama and his foreign policy team, especially Hillary Clinton, were both tone-deaf to …
During the Bush presidency, then-Sen. Barack Obama regularly criticized the administration for its privacy abuses, utilizing the National Security Agency …
In an appearance on Fox Business News on Monday, network legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano dropped a bombshell while discussing …
Tens of millions of Americans were outraged to discover that, in his waning months in office, President Barack Obama and …