Wednesday, March 08, 2017 by JD Heyes
Some observers from afar say President Donald J. Trump made a serious error in judgment when he agreed not to pursue criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her highly controversial actions regarding Clinton Foundation funding during her tenure as secretary of state.
An editorial analysis in the Sunday Guardian in Singapore this week said plainly that, had the president agreed to launch an investigation early into Clinton Foundation activities, “that would have filled the news cycle for months” and served as a bulwark against the assault he’s currently facing on a daily basis.
The paper noted:
Analysts assisting policymakers in the United States are dismayed at the “speed with which the Donald Trump administration is being pushed back into the same policy box as the past administration” by an “expertly implemented campaign designed to throw the President off-balance and reduce him to lame duck (i.e. ineffectual) status at the very start of his tenure.”
The piece also speculates as to why Trump has become such an enemy of the Deep State – his tendency, as part of his “drain the swamp” pledge, to depart from Cold War-postures that have guided U.S. foreign policy for decades and empowered the U.S. intelligence and foreign policy communities to the point where they are now entities unto themselves. That power was laid bare earlier this week via Wikileaks revelations that the CIA has near-universal power to spy on everyone, everywhere, at any time. (RELATED: WikiLeaks unveils largest cache of CIA documents ever; agency spies through smart TVs, smart phones and other wireless devices.)
“Contingency plans had been prepared by the Atlanticist establishment to insulate existing policy from Trumpian changes,” which were ramped up after it became apparent that Trump was going to win the Nov. 8 election, the editorial noted, quoting an insider source.
Analysts told the paper that the Deep State won a major victory early on after incoming chief of staff Reince Preibus was convinced that it would be a “statesmanlike gesture” if the new president would publicly pledge to forego any investigation into Clinton wrongdoings, though Trump said frequently on the campaign trail such an investigation may be forthcoming, usually to chants of “Lock her up!”
The Sunday Guardian said promises were made – but then not kept:
It was informally promised “more than once”, according to an analyst, that such a gesture would lead to “cooperation between the Democratic Party and the Trump administration on several initiatives that are at the top of the agenda” of the 45th President. Such expectations were subsequently proven to be false once Hillary Clinton escaped the investigative dragnet that was being prepared for her by select members of the Trump team (who thereupon came into the Clinton crosshairs).
And, with her escape assured, the “reprieved Clinton machine” – which has been blaming her loss on Obama at times – has been freed to loose a volley of unsubstantiated accusations against Trump and his closest advisors, namely that Team Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election from her (an allegation for which there still is no proof, despite months of innuendo and unsubstantiated supposition). (RELATED: Wikileaks CIA Dump Reveals How The Deep State Can Hack Databases And Make It SEEM Like The Russians Did It.)
It’s clear that the operation to subvert Trump has already been successful. Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn has already been snared, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions has publicly pledged to recuse himself from any Justice Department probe into alleged Russian election tampering – even though there was no reason for him to do so, according to legal watchdogs.
The key component driving so much opposition to Trump appears to be his reluctance to continue globalist policies that have empowered and enriched a select group of transatlantic leaders and corporate interests, to the detriment of average Americans and Europeans.
Being a successful businessman prior to his ascendency into the Oval Office, Trump has likely spotted a trend that other geopolitical analysts are only now beginning to understand: That Asia, not Europe, is the new economic power structure in the world and as such, U.S. policy should be shifted to reflect that. Analysts believe that Trump is likely more interested in creating a new Indo-Pacific alliance, while downplaying the significance of the current Atlantic Alliance embodied by NATO.
It’s this desire to disrupt the old order that is driving so much furious opposition to Trump, and the Clinton machine will continue to ramp up its subversive operations over the next few years, with the overarching goal of impeaching Trump:
— Look for calls for a “bipartisan congressional commission” that will include known Republican nemeses of Trump (like Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham)
— Calls for a special prosecutor to look into alleged Russia ties will increase (even though all U.S. intelligence agencies have said there is no evidence of said collusion, even after months of probing)
— Continued disruptions of the Trump agenda that will be amplified by the Washington establishment media that adores Clinton
“Clearly, President Trump needs to break free of the web of insinuations and charges thrown daily at him, if he is to escape the fate of Richard Milhous Nixon in his very first term. The analysts spoken to, who belong to what they claim is the silent majority within sensitive agencies of the U.S. Government, back President Trump and his drive for fresh policies,” the Sunday Guardian noted.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: deep state, Hillary Clinton, President Donald J. Trump, subversion, Trump administration