Thursday, July 05, 2018 by News Editors
Robert Mueller is a monster of the highest order. The fact that this heinous figure could get himself appointed to conduct a witch hunt against the President is nothing short of shocking.
(Article by Dave Hodges republished from TheCommonSenseShow.com)
This is both a partial and an inadequately brief but stunning set of revelations regarding Mueller’s lengthy list of criminal behaviors.
For the purposes of brevity and due to the fact that there will more than likely be a part two, only Mueller’s involvement with the Boston mafia and his role in directly providing Russians in the Uranium One scandal will be covered in this article. It should be mentioned that Mueller’s criminality goes much further than this article’s coverage.
What role did Robert Mueller play in the illegal and conflict of interest and very cozy relationship between the FBI and the Boston Mafia figures that resulted in multiple murders, blackmail, RICO violations, witness tampering, and many more crimes involving FBI complicity under the direction or Robert Mueller?
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, appointed to remove Trump from office was presented by the mainstream media (MSM) as this pristine man of impeccable integrity when nothing could have been further from the truth. Both Mueller and former and disgraced FBI Director James Comey had their images crafted by the MSM in the same manner. However, it has now been demonstrated that Comey leaked classified information that he thought would be damaging to Trump. He committed perjury to Congress. Comey should be in prison not making book deals. And one can be certain that a book deal awaits Mueller as well should he be able to remove Trump. Both men are lying, extreme left-wing freaks who should be in prison.
Of the two men, Robert Mueller’s is much more criminal than Comey’s.
Comey should not necessarily be charged with murder, Mueller should. Investigative journalist Sarah Carter’s blog, Questions Still Surround Robert Mueller’s Boston Past, published on March 20th, raises serious legal concerns regarding Mueller’s past. This is in reference to what is often referred to as The Whitey Bulger FBI Mob Case.
The New American detailed recounted the 1998 Whitey Bulger case entitled as FBI Covering for Criminals, which was about the murderous boss of Boston’s notorious Winter Hill Gang, Whitney Bulger as his gang of Irish Mafia carried out a reign of murderous terror under the protection of the FBI who was under the direction of then US Attorney to Boston Robert Mueller and the cover up continued after Mueller’s appointment as FBI Director.
Time after time, Massachusetts state and local police had their elaborate, years-long investigations of Bulger foiled by FBI interference and at the center of it all was Robert Mueller.
FBI Special Agent John Connolly and John Morris, who was in charge of the FBI’s Boston Organized Crime Squad, were Bulger’s protectors and would tip him off to investigations and wiretaps by other police agencies. The corruption was so well known FBI that Martin Scorcese made a 2006 film about the case called The Departed. The movie contained a star studded cast of Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Matt Damon.
America, ask yourself a question, who was President in 1994? Who was his wife? This figures prominently in the latter part of this article.
What was Mueller’s role in all of this?
Eventually, FBI handler, John Connolly tipped off Bulger that he was about to be arrested. He escaped justice for 16 years. When he was finally caught, in 2011, he was convicted of 32 counts of RICO, including 19 murders. This is who Robert Mueller’s FBI was protecting.
While Bulger was on the run, his FBI partners in crime, Con and Morris, were arrested and indicted. In 2008 Connolly was convicted for his role in the murders of FBI informant John B. Callahan and Oklahoma businessman Roger Wheeler. Connolly’s boss, John Morris, who reported directly to Mueller, was allowed to escape jail by testifying against his former colleague in crime.. Clearly, as part of this sweat heart plea deal, Morris’ testimony never touched Mueller.
According to Boston Globe columnist Kevin Cullen who wrote an article entitled, A lingering question for the FBI Director. In his title, Cullen was referring to was then-Director Robert Mueller, who had previously been one of the DOJ attorneys assigned to investigate the criminal operation of Bulger and the FBI’s handling of the matter. Cullen was outraged at Mueller’s conduct in covering up for Bulger, and so much so that Cullen opposed Mueller’s reappointment as FBI Director. Part of Mueller’s cover up was related to the Albano case in which the DOJ and the FBI framed four men for a 1965 gangland murder. Mueller engaged in cover up after cover up because the Bulger Irish Mafia was making certain FBI officials, including Mueller, who would enhance his reputation by giving up Bulger’s mafia opposition for prosecution and FBI frame-ups were part of the practice of the day. Eventually, 36 years later, the four men would be exonerated. Two of the men died in captivity. It is hard to believe that Mueller was not prosecuted for his role in these matters.
Famed Attorney, Alan Dershowitz, confirms this account in an interview he gave to Newsmax in which he ripped the integrity of Mueller as Special Prosecutor.
He’s the guy who kept four innocent people in prison for many years in order to protect the cover of Whitey Bulger as an FBI informer. Those of us in Boston don’t have such a high regard for Mueller because we remember this story. The government had to pay out tens of millions of dollars because Whitey Bulger, a notorious mass murderer, became a government informer against the mafia . . .
And that’s regarded in Boston of one of the great scandals of modern judicial history. And Mueller was right at the center of it. So, he is not without criticism by people who know him in Boston.
Mueller went from the US Attorney on the Bulger case to the FBI Director where he continued the Boston Mafia cover up.
Perhaps if Robert Mueller, Special Counsel, wants to investigate Russian collusion, he should start with himself.
At one time, I had a problem with Mueller’s appointment as Special Counsel because of his former friendship with disgraced FBI Director, James Comey.
While looking in the rear view mirror of recent history, my concern is trivial compared to what is presently being revealed. The stakes have grown to enormous proportions and Mueller is being proven to be guilty of multiple felonies as well as treason which is an offense which could potentially be punishable by death.
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel for the sole purpose of investigating possible Russian collusion charges between President Trump’s campaign and the Russian government. On the heels of the collusion, Mueller is also looking for the smoking gun for obstruction of justice, on the part of Trump, which is the same charge that ultimately brought down the presidency of Richard Nixon. However, sometimes life is ironic and in a stunning development, Wikileaks, Julian Assange, tweeted a released State Department cable, which clearly and irrefutably proves that then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered former FBI Director and present Special Counsel, Robert Mueller to deliver a sample of stolen Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) to Russia in 2009.
As I have documented several times on The Common Sense Show, a front company, Uranium One, was created to handle the “dirty work” of the uranium transfer to the Russians. At the center of the shell corporation, as released Wikileaks records, demonstrates that an individual named Frank Giustra was the organizing figure. Over time, Giustra contributed a total of $31 million to the Clinton Foundation in a clear case of pay for play bribery!
The Wikileaks released State Department communications show State Department officials had obtained, in the Fall of 2009, an internal Rosatom memo that warned about Putin’s intentions to acquire American originated uranium. Despite the evidence which should have forced Clinton to bring the FBI into the matter as an investigative body instead of being Clinton’s stooge in the uranium deal, presents clear evidence which was available to both Mueller and Clinton, a full year before the first CIFUS approval to move uranium to Putin, Clinton did not recuse the State Department from the deal in which two CIFUS votes clearly gave Putin control of 20% of all American-based uranium.
The WikiLeaks tweet referenced a cable from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent to John Beyrle, U.S. Ambassador, and the Georgia Embassy as well as the memo being being sent to the Russian Embassy, dated Aug. 17, 2009, indicating FBI Director Robert Mueller was planning to fly to Moscow on September 21st of 2009, to deliver a sample of highly enriched uranium (HEU) and that the identified uranium had been confiscated by the U.S. Department of Energy during a 2006 nuclear smuggling sting operation involving one Russian national and several Georgian accomplices.
In short, this action is the metaphorical equivalent of the police confiscating illegal drugs and then turning around and selling these drugs to illicit drug dealers.
One of the big problems in America today is that “public servants” like Hillary Clinton actually represent a foreign enemy masquerading as a domestic public servant.
I will go one step further than Donald Trump’s campaign assertion that Clinton is a criminal and state that Hillary Clinton is this generation’s Ethel Rosenberg and has committed heinous acts of treason against the people of the United States. and Robert Mueller is right there as he right hand man.
The New York Times further asserted that members of the Canadian mining industry, who have supported Clinton’s campaign, financed and sold off to the Russians a company that we now know as Uranium One. Uranium One is directly responsible for transferring uranium from BLM land to the Russians through an off-shore holding company. Again, according to the NY Times, the Russians, through three separate transactions, acquired Uranium One, while paying off the Clintons and their Canadian partners from 2009-2013. The business deal also involved paying Bill Clinton $500,000 dollars for a speech on energy which was delivered in Moscow. The Clinton’s turned this money into Presidential campaign money. How many felonies did I just describe?
The entire State Department memo is listed, below under “documents”.
Here is a brief summation of what has been presented here.
Read more at: TheCommonSenseShow.com
Tagged Under: Tags: boston mafia, Collapse, Collusion, conspiracy, corruption, fake news, FBI, government, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Obama, politics, propaganda, Robert Mueller, treason