Friday, April 21, 2017 by Mike Adams
If you don’t yet realize how Google has become the most EVIL corporation in the world, check out this article from TheWeek.com which reveals how Google steals content from small publishers, crushes their revenue, puts them out of business and monopolizes the internet.
The article, entitled, “Google is a monopoly — and it’s crushing the internet,” reveals how Google destroys small publishers by literally stealing their content and denying them revenues, putting them out of business:
The latest example of monopolist platform abuse comes from Adrianne Jeffries with the story of CelebrityNetWorth.com. This was a small business started by a man named Brian Warner, who found in 2008 that there was no good data on how much Larry David was worth. After some digging, he figured it out — and discovered that there was tremendous demand for information about celebrity wealth. He started a small media business, eventually hiring a staff of 12 to conduct detailed investigations — sometimes even corresponding with the celebrities themselves.
Then Google came up with an idea for “Featured Snippets,” which places answers to search queries at the top of the search page. Instead of having to click through to find the answer to a question, it will simply tell you a summary of the top search results.
Before rolling it out, Google asked Warner if they could scrape his data and credit him. Warner declined, but Google did it anyway. The algorithm they use for the snippets is notoriously error-prone — and worse, the celebrity net worth ones often failed to credit his site. Many would scrape other sites that had themselves aggregated CelebrityNetWorth.com. The overall result was devastating:
In February 2016, Google started displaying a Featured Snippet for each of the 25,000 celebrities in the CelebrityNetWorth database, Warner said. He knew this because he added a few fake listings for friends who were not celebrities to see if they would pop up as featured answers, and they did. “Our traffic immediately crumbled,” Warner said. “Comparing January 2016 (a full month where they had not yet scraped our content) to January 2017, our traffic is down 65 percent.” Warner said he had to lay off half his staff.
Google deliberately destroys businesses, in other words, while stealing their content to consolidate yet more power and profit for themselves. That’s how monopolies operate, of course: Consolidating power and influence while destroying anyone who might threaten their position of dominance.
The Google monopoly needs to be broken apart for the good of consumers, competition and freedom of information. If we allow Google to continue to monopolize search, videos, ad revenues and even advanced robotics, we are going to soon wake up in a world where Google is overthrowing governments and nations, running the world as a monopolist, fascist corporation.
As I describe in this article about Google evil:
If we don’t stop Google, it’s only a matter of time before Google’s robot division attains sufficient physical capabilities and A.I. prowess to be unleashed as Terminator-style Hunter-Killer robots to target human beings on the battlefield (or perhaps to even target political enemies). It’s not as far off as you might suppose. Before you know it, Google will be building massive armies of corporate-run robot soldiers, and Google will become a military might unto itself. What will Google do with all that power?
As Google itself has already demonstrated, it will wield power to silence its enemies, suppress the truth, enslave humanity and dominate everything in sight. It’s not difficult to see how, given another 25 years of such evil run amok, Google could overthrow entire nations and supplant the governments we know today with its own totalitarian corporate dictatorship. To envision how Google might operate in a future where it controls the most dangerous humanoid robots armed with weapons, just ask yourself how Google operates today. Does Google respect humanity or does it try to enslave it? Does Google tolerate competition and criticism, or does it try to silence those who speak out against it? Does Google protect the privacy of its users, or does it sell you out with back door access to the NSA that violates your Fourth Amendment privacy every second of every day?
The answer is abundantly clear: Google has become the world’s most evil — and dangerous — corporation. It has become a danger to human freedom, human knowledge and even human life. If we don’t stop Google’s march toward totalitarian dominance, the future of our world will look like a destitute dystopian society of enslaved humans, all kept ignorant and uninformed about reality (thanks to Google’s suppression of truth).
No criticism of the “accepted, fact-checked reality” will be allowed on YouTube, Google or much of the internet, as any person who dares contradict the Leftist totalitarian narratives will be immediately stripped of ad revenues, search engine visibility and public credibility.
Google — which should probably be renamed “OBEY” — will have achieved its ultimate goal of silencing all dissent, controlling all knowledge and overthrowing any governments that oppose it. In this future, Google will run all elections, and all winners of such elections will be little more than Google’s puppets, rubber stamping their legislative schemes that continue to grant more power to everything Google.
Freedom will die.
Dissent will become extinct.
Reason will be labeled “hate speech.”
Conformity will be mandatory.
And one day, half the human population will be declared “obsolete” and no longer needed by the globalists because Google’s advanced robots will replace human labor. At that point, the depopulation ovens will run 24/7, all powered by Google’s A.I. algorithms, of course, which will calculate the most efficient expenditure of energy to terminate a human life.
This is the future for humanity if Google is not stopped.
Tagged Under: Tags: Censorship, content theft, Google, independent media, monopoly, pure evil, small publishers