Tuesday, April 25, 2017 by JD Heyes
Okay, the global warming thing was cute for a while and it’s nice that people “care” about the future of the planet. But now these fools are liable to kill us all with their lunacy.
As reported by the U.K.’s Daily Mail, some researchers from Harvard University plan to test-spray an “aerosol” that is supposedly designed to “protect the Earth from global warming.” The substance will be sprayed into the stratosphere some time next year, but already scientists are warning that the results could essentially lead to mass death. (RELATED: Read EPA Whistleblower Fired For Telling The Truth About Geoengineering.)
Unable to accept that the Earth, which has been around for an estimated 4.54 BILLION years, is able to take care of itself, these idiots are planning to use the spray to block incoming solar radiation, and in turn “cool” the earth:
The first-of-its-kind experiment could begin as early as next year and will pump small amounts of material into the stratosphere to reflect the sun’s rays.
But scientists have previously warned that the results of changing our own climate could be “catastrophic.”
To say the least.
Scientists are hoping to test their theories about “solar geoengineering” – though the research team from Harvard will initially use only water vapor in their experiment.
During their research, scientists will test several aerosol materials that would later be used on a much larger scale if determined to be “successful” at blocking out the sun, essentially.
Even scientists who believe in the myth that humans are causing the earth to warm say this idea is daft and very dangerous.
“The idea that you could even think about adjusting the temperature of the planet is terrifying,” one of the Harvard researchers, Frank Keutsch, told Seeker.
And yet, he’s willing to do it anyway. Because of climate change.
“This is a very serious subject,” he insisted.
Well, it didn’t used to be. Before these Harvard stooges decided to mess with the stratosphere, the idea that human beings were destroying the planet with cattle farts, SUVs and some factories that could never produce the kind of extinction level event of massive volcanic activity and the Ice Age, was quite comical, actually.
In fact, many of these goof balls have become the laughingstock of the real scientific community, it’s just that they’re too wrapped up in their climate change group think and Al Gore hero worship to see that what they believe is unproven nonsense.
If anything, the earth is cooling. Even former Obama administration science officials know that the previous administration’s climate change mantra was garbage.
“The Obama administration relentlessly politicized science and it aggressively pushed a campaign about that politicized science,” Steven E. Koonin, the under secretary for science at the Obama Department of Energy from 2009-2011, said, according to Real Clear Investigations.
Koonin, once employed by energy giant BP, also said the so-called “mainstream media” was “happily complicit” in spreading the lies about global warming.
But now, based on completely bogus “science,” a few “researchers” believe they have the right to put the planet in real danger by blocking out the sun’s life-sustaining rays. What happens if some other event – like a major volcanic eruption – occurs at about the same time? What happens if their experiment goes horribly awry and has many times worse effects than they think possible? How can their damage be undone? (RELATED: Read U.N. official actually ADMITS that “global warming” is a scam designed to “change world’s economic model.”)
In 2014, the Daily Mail noted, researchers issued a warning about what could happen if climate engineering ended a few decades down the road, for either technical or political reasons.
Dr. David Keller of the GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research in Kiel, Germany, said, “For several methods we saw a rapid change in the simulated climate when climate engineering ended.” He noted that if this asinine geoengineering ended, say, in 50 years, and the sun’s full rays were once again permitted through, the earth’s warming would be rapid and truly uncontrollable.
This “experiment” – by one of the researchers’ own admission – is stupid. What’s more, it’s not even based on real science. And it could backfire, creating a global cooling that would kill off plant life, dramatically shorten growing seasons and lead to the starvation of billions.
It should not be permitted.
Read more of the real science regarding climate change at ClimateScienceNews.com.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
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Tagged Under: Tags: climate change, geoengineering, global warming