Tuesday, June 06, 2017 by JD Heyes
The Trump administration, as it promised, is cracking down on leaks of highly classified government data to the media, nabbing a 25-year-old NSA contractor who allegedly leaked a top secret assessment of Russian election hacking to The Intercept last month.
The alleged leaker, Reality Leigh Winner, provided the investigative news site with documents indicating the NSA believes that hackers working with Russian intelligence attempted to hack at least one company that provides software to electronic voting machines, as well as about 100 state-level election workers in a spear-phishing attack to obtain account passwords.
As The New York Post reported:
The highly classified intelligence document…describes how Russia managed to infiltrate America’s voting infrastructure using a spear-phishing email scheme that targeted local government officials and employees.
It claims the calculated cyberattack may have even been more far-reaching and devious than previously thought.
Federal officials were quick to point out the seriousness of the breach. (RELATED: Trump admin makes first arrest for leaks of classified data to media: More to come?)
“Releasing classified material without authorization threatens our nation’s security and undermines public faith in government,” Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein explained in a statement. “People who are trusted with classified information and pledge to protect it must be held accountable when they violate that obligation.”
But in the aftermath of the breach, many have begun to question how it was even possible for Winner to obtain a top secret security clearance, given her very Left-wing, anti-Trump, anti-government postings on social media and elsewhere. That has left many people to conclude that if the government’s vetting system of its own contractors and employees is so poor, it cannot possibly create a system of “extreme vetting” to identify potential terrorists, as the White House has claimed.
For example, as reported by The Daily Caller, Winner has posted on social media that she is a supporter of the recent Women’s March, a far-Left political construct, as well as the Islamic Society of North America, a Muslim “civil rights” group. And recently, she referred to the president as a “piece of s**t” for taking the stance that the Dakota Access Pipeline should move ahead.
There’s more, as Information Liberation noted, Winner, in a Facebook post, said that “being white is terrorism,” and that in regards to Trump, he is “the most dangerous entry to this country,” referring to him in a posting as an “orange fascist.”
the most dangerous entry to this country was the orange fascist we let into the white house
— Sara Winners (@Reezlie) February 11, 2017
Here’s her tweet regarding “white terrorism”:
@kanyewest you should make a shirt that says, "being white is terrorism"
— Sara Winners (@Reezlie) February 26, 2017
In addition, she has tweeted out support for Black Lives Matter, which in and of itself is not bad — except that the material she referenced was little more than anti-white propaganda:
This is not the week to remain silent #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/YQTcH7rjvt
— Sara Winners (@Reezlie) January 15, 2017
“She was radicalized by John Oliver, The Daily Show, Stephen Colbert, Michael Moore and others,” Information Liberation reported. “She said Leonard DiCaprio’s propaganda film ‘Before the Flood’ changed her entire outlook on life and said she’s not ‘#waitingtodie’ from climate change and doesn’t want to have kids.”
She also replied to a tweet from the Iranian foreign minister — and this is important — claiming she would “stand with” the Islamic Republic over America if Trump declared war:
There are many Americans protesting US govt aggression towards Iran. If our Tangerine in Chief declares war, we stand with you!
— Sara Winners (@Reezlie) February 7, 2017
And she has openly sided with Mexico over America as well:
#Mexico #FTW https://t.co/0iYkDudeRj
— Sara Winners (@Reezlie) January 26, 2017
In addition, Winner has referred to the commander-in-chief with a very unflattering, nasty reference:
— Sara Winners (@Reezlie) January 30, 2017
In sum, these and other posts — some on Facebook — should have served as a huge red flag for government investigators looking into Winner’s security clearance. But somehow they escaped notice. And now, the government has a major breach of intelligence on its hands, giving an adversary a huge window into U.S. intelligence operations that no doubt places national security at risk.
The fact is, Americans and Congress should not be worried about Russian and Chinese hacking; we should all be more worried about Americans brainwashed and radicalized by the far Left and the Democratic Party stealing our secrets and turning them over to willing co-conspirators in the media.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
(Image: Via Facebook)
Tagged Under: Tags: arrest, intelligence leaks, media, NSA, Reality Leigh Winner, stealing secrets, Traitor, Trump administration