Thursday, June 08, 2017 by Mike Adams
Multiple, shocking revelations are now being learned from the James Comey testimony on Capitol Hill. First, the testimony hasn’t revealed a single shred of evidence to support the delusional conspiracy theory that claims “the Russians hacked the election” for Donald Trump. If anything, Comey’s testimony underscores the knowledge that the Russians are NOT engaged in any “siding” with Republicans or Democrats, and that the Russians are simply “opportunists” who want to defeat the United State of America on the global stage. To put this in context, the United States routinely interferes with elections of dozens of other nations and even “installs” political leaders through various CIA operations, including CIA-led coups and assassinations of foreign leaders.
Arguably the most shocking revelation to come from Comey’s testimony is the admission that Loretta Lynch pressures James Comey to lie to the American public about the criminal investigation into the Hillary Clinton campaign. As Comey admitted in sworn testimony, Lynch directly pressured him to avoid using the term “investigation” when publicly discussing the investigation. Instead, he was told to use the term “matter,” and he promptly agreed to use that term in order to distort the public perception of the severity of the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton. (Don’t forget that Bill Clinton also secretly met with Loretta Lynch to pressure the DOJ to back off any real investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server fiasco.)
If this had happened on behalf of Donald Trump instead of Hillary Clinton, the entire mainstream media would immediately characterize it as “obstruction of justice.”
“Comey added later that he was concerned about that direction as it was false,” reports The Daily Caller. “He was further concerned because it aligned with the Clinton campaign’s spin on the investigation. He said he complied, however, because he believed the media wouldn’t buy into that take on it… Comey cited that pressure from Lynch to downplay the investigation as one of the reasons he held a press conference to recommend the Department of Justice not seek to indict Clinton.”
Hillary Clinton’s campaign routinely lied to America about the seriousness of the criminal investigation into her illegal email server, pattern of corruption, selling influence and collusion. Via the Daily Caller:
The Clinton campaign consistently sought to mislead the public by denying that Clinton was the subject of an FBI investigation. Instead, the campaign claimed the investigation was a simple “security inquiry.” Comey said he was concerned by Lynch’s pressure on him and the FBI to use the campaign’s spin, as it appeared it appeared that Lynch was intentionally trying to align the language the FBI was using to match the angle pushed by the Clinton campaign.
Also today, Comey confirmed he orchestrated the “leak” of his memo by using a close friend to funnel the memo to the press. As explained by Axios.com:
After his firing and this Trump tweet, Comey asked a close friend of his — Columbia law professor Daniel Richman — to leak the content of his memos to the media with the hope of triggering the appointment of a special counsel.
From Breitbart.com:
UPDATE 11:45 A.M. Comey’s open admission he orchestrated a potentially illegal leak puts him in serious potential trouble, the New York Times people note. That’s the story folks. He vindicated Trump, and implicated himself. Wow, what a day.
You may recall that I nailed all this back in May when I wrote a story titled Wait a sec… You mean James Comey wrote a memo to HIMSELF, then “leaked” it to the NYT?
In that story, I unraveled the “leaked memo” B.S. being pushed by the rabid left-wing media:
The latest “bombshell” news story from the New York Times — entitled Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation — is based entirely on a memo that James Comey wrote to himself, then “leaked” to the NYT.
If you wrote it yourself, it’s not exactly a “leak,” is it? It’s actually some words scribbled on a napkin, all of which may or may not be accurate about what was actually said at the meeting. For all we know, James Comey decided to scribble his silly memo the day after he got fired by Trump.
It has no credibility at all, in other words. James Comey wants to damage the Trump administration, so he jots down whatever lies he wants the NYT to publish, then he calls it a “memo.”
The fact that the Comey memo is being widely reported as a “leak” to the NYT underscores the fact that nobody in the establishment media knows what a “leak” really is. It’s not a leak if you wrote it yourself, obviously, unless the words leaked out of a hole in your head and spilled onto the memo pad.
Comey also confirmed that Donald Trump was never under investigation by the FBI, shutting down the entire fake news narrative of the lying left-wing media which has repeatedly insinuated that Trump has been under constant criminal investigation by the FBI.
Tagged Under: Tags: Donald Trump, FBI memo, Hillary Clinton, investigation, James Comey, leaks, Senate testimony