Tuesday, June 20, 2017 by JD Heyes
If you ever needed clearer evidence that the political “swamp” President Donald J. Trump pledged to drain on the campaign trail last year is digging in for a fight-to-the-finish battle with him, you need to look no further than the appointment of Robert Mueller as special “independent” counsel.
In Mueller, a former FBI director himself and best buddies forever with recently-fired FBI Director James Comey, the swamp believes it has the man it needs to finally bring an end to the so-called ‘nightmare’ of the Trump presidency. If his tenure is anything at all like those of past special counsels, he won’t quit until someone is found guilty of something, even if it is a minor ‘process crime’ that had nothing at all to do with his original mandate: Whether or not Team Trump colluded with Russia, cooperated with Russia, or otherwise had nefarious dealings with Russia before, during and after the campaign. (RELATED: Deep State just leaked proof that special counsel Mueller was appointed to bring down Trump)
Already Mueller has expanded his investigation beyond its original purpose and scope: It now includes a probe into whether Trump “obstructed justice” when he allegedly asked Comey if he would drop the FBI’s investigation into Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security advisor (which Trump has denied, by the way).
The language of that alleged request, even if it were made, sounds nothing at all like an attempt to obstruct justice:
I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.
Any sane analysis of those words — “hope you can see your way clear,” with emphasis on the word “hope” — would have to concede that the president was clearly deferring to the FBI director, clearly leaving the decision in his hands, and not ordering him to drop an investigation (which, by the way, as head of the Executive Branch — which the FBI serves — Trump had every right to do).
Be that as it may, Mueller has nevertheless begun to focus on this alleged exchange as though it were at least potentially criminal, which tells you all you need to know about his underlying intentions.
There’s more evidence he intends to get convictions. Mueller is hiring an army of lawyers that include Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama sycophants and donors. As The National Sentinel reported, “a number of new hires made by … Mueller are all lawyers who have either worked for Democrats and their organizations, or have donated to their political campaigns, including former President Barack Obama and 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.”
Even Trump-hating CNN has been forced to acknowledge that fact.
Weekly Standard co-founder Fred Barnes, an experienced politico and Washington hand, also noted that the Mueller probe is Trump’s ‘sharks in the water’ moment, given the history of special counsels and their underlying desire to not waste the taxpayer’s dime — despite the fact that their mission is to find guilt or innocence based on available evidence, not produce results at any cost:
The problem is that special counsels tend to expand their investigations beyond any underlying crime (if there is one) and keep going until they find someone to indict. This is what Patrick Fitzgerald did during the second Bush administration, finally settling for a flimsy charge of perjury against Scooter Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff. Fitzgerald declined to prosecute anyone for the supposed crime he was investigating, the outing of a CIA agent.
Barnes noted that in addition to widening his probe to include potential obstruction of justice, “leaks” to the media this week also noted that he’s examining whether or not Team Trump associates had any illegal financial dealings with ‘The Russians’ — a further expansion beyond the original mandate laid out by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein when he appointed Mueller.
“In politics, there’s a saying that no politician can survive a frisk. The Mueller probe hasn’t gotten to that point. But it appears to be headed in that direction,” Barnes noted sardonically.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: indictment, investigation, political coup, President Donald J. Trump, Robert Mueller, special counsel, Witch Hunt