08/31/2023 / By Ethan Huff
It barely made headlines at the time, but the small village of Satartia, Miss., located in Yazoo County, was nearly blown to smithereens by a carbon “capture” pipeline that exploded on Feb. 22, 2020, right before the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) was declared a “pandemic.”
The pipeline, operated by Denbury Inc., captured carbon dioxide (CO2) from an ancient volcanic cavity called the Jackson Dome and piped it 40 miles away to the Tinsley oil field where it was then used to enhance oil extraction.
Everything was going just fine until the 24-inch-thick pipeline exploded, sending a white cloud of CO2 and hydrogen sulfide into the air. Two hundred people had to be evacuated from the area, while another 49 had to be hospitalized – and three years later, area residents are still suffering from respiratory problems.
It was only due to the hydrogen sulfide contamination, which smells strongly like rotten eggs, that the entire town was not destroyed, and everyone killed, seeing as how CO2 by itself is odorless and heavier than air.
“As CO2 is odorless and heavier than air, settling at ground level, it would have asphyxiated people without warning,” warns Janet Levy, writing for American Thinker.
(Related: The corrupt carbon capture industry is taking over South Dakota, seizing farm land and turning it into a vast network of CO2 “capture” pipelines.)
The Satartia disaster serves as a warning to the budding CO2 capture industry, which fake president Joe Biden and his regime are aggressively pushing as the solution to global warming and climate change. And yet, nothing is being done to stop it.
In fact, carbon capture is a fast-growing segment of the “green” industry, the claim being that CO2 is “polluting” the environment and must be piped out of it and sent underground.
In Satartia’s case, the CO2 pipeline run by Denbury Inc. was at least trying to use the piped carbon for a purpose: to improve earth-based fuel extraction. Biden and his cronies, meanwhile, want to capture it simply to stuff it underground because carbon bad, we are told.
“As the Biden administration moves toward vastly increasing carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems as a means of reaching the chimerical goal of Net Zero America, that is, net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, the Satartia disaster should serve as a warning,” Levy further writes.
“The government has allocated $10 billion for CCS projects, besides grants, funds, and tax credits. CCS involves capturing CO2 from industrial and other sources, compressing it, and conveying it via pipelines for storage in underground geological formations and disused oil wells. Or, it might be used for forcing out more oil from active wells, as Denbury is doing.”
A recent study out of Princeton University estimates that by the year 2050, America will be blanketed in 65,000 miles of pipelines carrying CO2 all over the place. Should any, or all, of them ultimately fail, expect a massive number of hypoxia and asphyxiation deaths to ensue.
Even if the pipelines remain intact, there is no telling what all that CO2 being pumped underground will do. There are no long-term studies to date that have shown what happens to all that CO2 and whether or not it becomes a risk to public health.
According to Levy, the purpose of all this is money – and this writer also suspects depopulation and genocide as another motivator.
“Climate change, as some distinguished scientists have pointed out, is an elaborate con,” she warns. “Masked in a political agenda, it ultimately benefits the global elite. CCS is one of the lucrative spin-offs of that con.”
Everything the “greenies” are trying to do to “save the planet” involves destroying the natural order and killing humans. Learn more at GreenTyranny.news.
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Tagged Under:
absurd, aspyhxiation, big government, carbon, carbon dioxide, climate, climate change, CO2, Collapse, conspiracy, deep state, Denbury Inc., destruction, explosion, global warming, green, green tyranny, Mississippi, perhaps ever, pipeline, Satartia
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