Wednesday, September 05, 2018 by News Editors
(ANP: This is part 6 in this ‘profiles in treason’ series by retired US Navy Patriot John Velisek. Part 1 on John Brennan can be found here. Part 2 on James Clapper can be found here. Part 3 on James Comey can be found here. Part 4 on Comey’s role in the Hillary Clinton cover-up can be found here. And part 5 on Bruce and Nellie Ohr can be found here.)
(Article by John C. Velisek republished from AllNewsPipeline.com)
Another Deep State proponent that has created havoc over the past two years is Robert Swan Mueller III. An impressive name for the present Special council whose sole purpose is to do whatever is possible to take down Donald Trump. He works tirelessly, but not for the truth that the American people need to know, but for the opportunity of impeachment of our sitting President. It is an investigation looking for a crime where none exists based on a dossier that was never verified or corroborated and was used to lie to the FISA court without any hearings on its validity.
Mueller has issued indictments on Russians without even knowing their names.
Let’s look at some of the histories of this Special Counsel that the Democrat progressive socialists have called beyond reproach. The media and establishment RINOS have assisted in building up Mueller, claiming he is highly competent and fair. Nothing is further from the truth.
From San Francisco, Mueller scurried off to Boston, where he bungled the case of an East German accused of theft of nuclear secrets. It was also in Boston where Mueller hired mob boss Whitey Bulger as an informant. Horrific crimes performed by Whitey Bulger and his henchmen were covered up by the FBI handle John Connolly with the acquiescence of Mueller. Instead, Mueller charged four innocent men for the crimes that Bulgers mob committed. All four were later exonerated and the families awarded $100 million of taxpayer money. During the trial Mueller was found to have suppressed evidence clearing the four victims, bringing forward false information and was not indicted because of Deep State cronies in the Federal Justice system.
This is also the same Robert Mueller that falsely accused virologist Steve Hatfield during the Anthrax virus scare. Mueller once again withheld evidence. Hatfield sued and was awarded $5.8 million of taxpayer money.
It was the same Mueller who also claimed it was too dangerous to go to Benghazi after our ambassador and four brave men were killed, but could not explain to Rep. Trey Gowdy why it was safe for our diplomats. Perhaps it made following the Obama lies of a video causing this tragedy was easier by this explanation. It took Rep. Gowdy’s question as a rhetorical comment not suitable for an answer. I would think the families of those killed would demand an answer.
So with this as a background is it any wonder that Mueller allowed his pit-bull Andrew Weisman to break into Paul Manafort’s home at 4 am, roughed up the entire family including the wife who was still in bed, illegally stole attorney-client privileged information and personal documents in violation of the Fourth Amendment.
Robert Mueller has a history only partially shown above of having the capability of using virtually false evidence and heavy-handed fabricated evidence to ensnare those the Deep State needs to be damaged and jailed. The amount of failure of Mueller would get any lesser attorney fired, but being a Deep State operative, Mueller is shielded and allowed to move even further up the Deep State organizational chart. Mueller worked his way as far as being made FBI Director. This was not a position based on his fine performance in his duties before his promotion, but because Mueller is malleable, and is able to be controlled by those in the Deep State.
This is the man that the progressive socialists, the sycophants in the media who play the lapdogs of the Deep State, RINOs and Never Trumpers want us to believe. They have yet to explain how Donald Trump, who according to leftist snowflakes, is a Nazi and not intelligent enough to be our President had the capability to collude with “the Russians” in such a sophisticated way that even our intelligence agencies can’t figure out how he did it.
Read more at: AllNewsPipeline.com
Tagged Under: Tags: civil unrest, civil war, Collusion, corruption, deception, deep state, FBI, government, Hillary Clinton, lies, Mueller, politics, propaganda, Robert Mueller, society, treason