Friday, November 16, 2018 by Mike Adams
According to the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. Justice Department is about to indict and prosecute Julian Assange, a journalist whose life has already been destroyed through his “imprisonment” in an Ecuadorian embassy for the last six years.
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton, a traitorous political mafia boss who sold out America’s strategic uranium supply to enemies while collecting “speaking fee” bribes from international oligarchs, is apparently not being prosecuted by anyone at all.
What’s wrong with this picture?
If anyone should go free today, it’s Julian Assange. And if anyone should be indicted and prosecuted for serious crimes, it’s Hillary Clinton. Yet, as the WSJ reports:
U.S. prosecutors have discussed several types of charges they could potentially bring against Mr. Assange… The exact charges Justice Department might pursue remain unclear, but they may involve the Espionage Act, which criminalizes the disclosure of national defense-related information.
Julian Assange is committed to transparency and truth. Hillary Clinton is committed to cover-ups and lies.
Julian Assange went public with damning evidence of America’s treachery to try to make it stop. Hillary Clinton destroyed damning evidence and magnified America’s treachery to try to make it worse.
Julian Assange would do anything just to breathe fresh air again and walk in a public park. Hillary Clinton would do anything to suffocate America’s freedoms and seize authoritarian power over the entire nation.
Julian Assange wants people to live (and learn, and awaken). Hillary Clinton wants people to DIE (and sleep with the fishes).
When peoples’ lives are at stake, Julian Assange goes public with important information to keep people informed. But when lives are at stake in the Middle East, Hillary Clinton pretends a terrorist attack isn’t happening and refuses to send aid, making sure U.S. soldiers and ambassadors get murdered by a lunatic mob. Then she blames someone else for the entire thing with a made-up story of pure fiction. Coincidentally, that’s exactly how Robert Mueller operates, too.
Julian Assange exposed the truth about the DNC. Hillary Clinton hid the truth (about Benghazi and much more) and has peddled nothing but lies for the last three decades.
Julian Assange located dark secrets and exposed them to the public in the name of transparency. Hillary Clinton took public truths and buried them inside layers of dark secrets in the name of deception and treason.
Julian Assange is a well-meaning man with a deep commitment to share the truth. Hillary Clinton is a vindictive, vicious woman with a deep commitment to making sure anyone who opposes her ends up in a body bag.
Julian Assange has been imprisoned in an embassy building for six years, unable to go outside for fear of being arrested. Hillary Clinton has been free to continue committing serious international crimes of corruption and campaign finance fraud, right out in public, with zero fear of being arrested or stopped because the entire judicial system treats her as someone is it above the law.
Julian Assange dared to release truthful information that exposed the deep deception and electoral fraud taking place inside the DNC to make sure Hillary got the nomination. Hillary Clinton destroyed 30,000+ emails on her illegal server to make sure no one would ever find out how she betrayed America to seize power at any cost.
If anyone should be indicted right now, it’s Hillary Clinton.
Lock her up. And pardon Julian Assange in exchange for him sharing everything he has on the Clintons and the DNC.
Read more at Clinton.news.
Tagged Under: Tags: deep state, DOJ, espionage, Hillary Clinton, Julian Assange, leaks, prosecution, WikiLeaks