Monday, November 19, 2018 by JD Heyes
Recently recovered text messages that were initially released last week to an Internet-based news outlet appear to lend support to POTUS Donald Trump confidante Roger Stone that Randy Credico, a New York-based radio show host, activist and Left-wing comedian, was his backchannel to information that Wikileaks planned to release emails damaging to Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential bid.
Wikileaks founder “Julian Assange has kryptonite on Hillary,” Credico wrote in a text to Stone on Aug. 27, 2016, according to screen shots of texts provided to NewsTarget by Stone.
During exchanges with Stone, Credico also revealed that his source for at least some of the information regarding Wikileaks’ pending email releases was one of the organization’s lawyers, whom he described as one of his “best friends.”
Stone has often claimed that Margaret Ratner Kunstler, the lawyer, was one source for Credico.
“[B]ig news Wednesday,” Credico texted Stone on Oct. 1, 2016, which was just a few days before Wikileaks started releasing a series of emails that had been stolen from Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta. “Now pretend u don’t know me.”
Stone noted in an email to NewsTarget that Credico has denied to special counsel Robert Mueller’s grand jury “that he was my source as to the significance of the Wikileaks disclosures which [Julian Assange] announced he had and would release on CNN in June 2016.
“Randy has consistently said that he could not have been my source in early July because he did not meet JA and interview him until late August,” Stone continued. “As the…text messages show Randy was my source as to the significance of the ultimate Wikileaks disclosures as well as the timing of the release in October.”
What Stone knew about the Wikileaks’ releases beforehand has been one focus of Mueller’s ongoing probe of alleged Russian election collusion and obstruction of justice by the president. Mueller’s team has questioned several of Stone’s associates in order to learn how the seasoned political operative found out ahead of time that the whistleblower organization was going to release information that was damaging to Clinton’s campaign prior to the election. (Related: Roger Stone: Friend Jerome Corsi being ‘squeezed hard’ by Mueller but he won’t break.)
The Daily Caller noted:
Stone, 66, reluctantly told the House Intelligence Committee in October 2017 that Credico was his back channel to WikiLeaks and Assange. But he has claimed that he did not know the source or content of the Clinton campaign emails. Credico has adamantly denied being Stone’s conduit, saying in numerous interviews over the past year that Stone was lying.
In addition, The DC notes, Credico told CNN in an interview that his Sept. 7 testimony to the Mueller grand jury was in line with his public denials about being Stone’s backchannel.
Stone — the men’s fashion editor at The DC — had attempted for months to produce evidence to substantiate his claims that Credico was his source to the Wikileaks information. He finally managed to produce it after his attorneys managed to extract them from a cell phone that he stopped using in 2016.
At one point in their back-and-forth texting, Credico asked Stone not to let anyone know he was the connection to Assange on Sept. 18, 2016.
“Just remember do not name me as your connection to Assange you had one before that you referred to,” he wrote.
He continued to show his concern that Stone might link him to Assange.
“You are not going to drag my name into this are you,” he wrote to stone on Sept. 29, 2016.
Following the initial reporting, The Daily Beast reported that Mueller would seek to question Credico again.
“Attorney Marty Stolar confirmed … that his client will speak with Mueller in the future,” the news site reported, adding that Credico has already met “a number of times” with the special counsel.
His next sit-down with Mueller is expected to come after Thanksgiving, The Daily Beast reported.
Roger Stone has been under serious legal assault for months and for no apparent reason other than his association with the president. Please consider a donation to his legal fund to help him offset these escalating costs. Visit StoneDefenseFund.com.
Read more about Robert Mueller’s probe at RobertMueller.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: backchannel, conspiracy, deep state, False Allegations, grand jury, Julian Assange, Mueller investigation, President Trump, Randy Credico, Robert Mueller, Roger Stone, Spygate, substantiate, testimony, text messages, WikiLeaks