12/15/2022 / By Ethan Huff
On Oct. 23, 2022, unbeknownst to many, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates held another pandemic exercise called “Catastrophic Contagion” announcing future plans for another deadly disease that specifically targets young people and children.
In partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation held the “pandemic tabletop exercise” at the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting in Brussels.
Similar to his infamous Event 201 pandemic exercise, which announced the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) scamdemic before it happened, the Catastrophic Contagion event centered around “a pandemic with a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 … disproportionally affecting children and young people.”
Ten current and former “health ministers” and “senior public health officials” from Senegal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Angola, Liberia, Singapore, India, and Germany participated in the event alongside Gates. (Related: A U.S. patent shows that Gates was directly involved in the creation of covid, as was the WHO and DARPA.)
We are told that each of these participants was presented with the potential scenario and asked how they would respond in terms of making “urgent policy decisions with limited information in the face of uncertainty.”
“Each problem and choice had serious health, economic, and social ramifications,” a document about the event states.
Gates has repeatedly talked about “lessons learned” from the covid plandemic, the suggestion being that next time – and there really does appear to be a next time already in the works – globalist leaders will have the opportunity to execute tyranny with more precision.
For instance, too much “misinformation” spread during covid that led large numbers of people to say no to masks, social distancing, and the “vaccines.” This hampered the plans of the globalists who intended for everyone to obey without question.
The plan next time is to clamp down heavily on the flow of free speech to prevent all dissent and skepticism. Gates wants government officials to really crack down on all freedom during the next go-around to ensure that his depopulation goals are achieved.
“Countries should prioritize efforts to increase trust in government and public health; improve public health communication efforts; increase the resiliency of populations to misleading information; and reduce the spread of harmful misinformation,” the exercise documents explain.
“In future pandemics, we should continue to expect even more major disruptions from misinformation and disinformation.”
The WHO, it further states, should continue to be propped up as “a globally trusted source” for all information, which it should distribute “widely” around the world. This alone, however, will not be enough to stop the spread of “misinformation.”
“Countries need to collaborate to anticipate that threat and prepare to combat it with their own laws and procedures,” the documents further state.
“Just as many types of economic and societal harms can be anticipated and accounted for in pandemic preparedness plans, so too can predictable false or misleading health messaging. Concertedly exploring ways to address this phenomenon on a national level in advance of the next pandemic will be crucial to saving lives.”
In order for the next plandemic to work, in other words, the skeptics must be silenced. There cannot be any dissent allowed to proliferate. All messaging and information must be totally controlled by the globalists, otherwise it will fizzle out in the end.
“This is his bugbear / scare story to facilitate and create a global biosecurity state,” wrote a commenter about how Gates “dominates the WHO,” which is right now seeming to create “a binding, trans-national agreement to require actual sovereign nation states to surrender power to it” with the infamous Pandemic Treaty.
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Tagged Under:
big government, bill gates, bioterrorism, biowar, catastrophic contagion, Censorship, children, Collusion, conspiracy, deception, depopulation, Event 201, Fact Check, genocide, globalists, infections, Medical Tyranny, misinformation, outbreak, pandemic, propaganda, young adults
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